Tuesday, 20 January 2009

My experiences with pay to click websites

Having played with the Paid-To-Click sites, I’ve quickly been discovering which ones are worth it, which ones aren’t, and how they’re shaping up. I’ve been with these sites for about a week and a half now. These are my earnings without spending anything whatsoever.

New sites:

MoneyBux: $0.14 - A site that I have just signed up with. Had 4 adverts to click on, and got $0.10 just for signing up. Will review this one in a week’s time.

Best sites:

EnglandBux: £0.5905 (in GBP, but about $1.20 USD) (2 referrals) - I get about 4-5 emails a day that pay £0.01 ($0.02) to read, plus they often have adverts to browse. I really like this site and its earning the most money with the least effort.

Wordlinx: $0.3825 (1 referral) - They don’t have many different adverts, but they have 3-4 adverts to look at every day. This one is consistently earning money for me.

Sites I’m unsure of:

Bux.to: $1.00 (5 referrals) - Usually 6-7 adverts daily to click each day, and easily the best designed site. However, they have far too many technical issues. I’m reserving judgment on this one.

Sites to avoid:

AdBux: $0.244 - Very few adverts to click on. Slow website, and often experiencing technical issues.

1 comment:

Destruhction said...

Some are scams but I think in total i've made like 70$ from them in way too long of a time so I gave up with them.